
This poster was chosen by Carly Davidson, student of History at the University of Glasgow, who says:

“This AIDS awareness poster was produced as part of a public health campaign by the Victorian AIDS Council in 1992. It reproduces Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’ with a twist – in God’s extended hand there is a condom, offered to Adam, who is already clutching a tube of K-Y Jelly. The intended message is educational and advocates for safe sexual practices.

The Victorian AIDS Council was established in 1983 in response to the Australian government’s inaction on the AIDS crisis. Alongside fundraising and providing community-based care, the VAC commissioned various, and sometimes controversial, publicity campaigns to promote safe sex and to alleviate the social stigma around HIV/AIDS.

I selected this poster both for its striking visuals, and for the wider message of compassion and community in its history.”


© The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

Museum reference


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