Zoology Museum
The museum houses the only large, international exhibition of zoological specimens in the north of Scotland. You can see insects, birds and even whales and tigers. You don’t need to book and entry is free. For more information, visit https://www.abdn.ac.uk/museums/exhibitions/zoology-museum-588.php
PLEASE NOTE: The Zoology Museum is currently closed due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Tillydrone Ave, Aberdeen AB24 2TZ
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
For group and school visits to the Zoology Museum, please contact the Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre on
biodiversity@abdn.ac.uk or call 01224 274545
Parking on site is reserved for university staff, but there is pay and display parking in the surrounding roads. For directions and further information on how to get there, visit https://www.abdn.ac.uk/about/campus/maps/view/113/
Access to the upper floor of the museum is limited – contact the museum for details. For a pan-disability access guide to the Zoology building, visit the
AccessAble website.
How to find us
Zoology Museum
Aberdeen AB24 2TZ, UK